Sunday, April 7, 2013


Life is not always smooth like a bed of roses. Happiness and misery are two sides of the same coin. One needs mental strength to digest them. Many a time a weak mind that is unable to withstand suffering invites only untold miseries. What happened to Dronacharya, when he heard the news of his son Ashwathama's death? He lost his confidence on account of grief and finally lost his life. Anger, grief hatred, jealousy, ego, fear, inferiority complex are the obstacles which make a person weak and bereft of confidence. But there are people who maintain equanimity even in the midst of crisis. When Sardar Patel was arguing his case in court he received a telegram carrying the news of his wife's death. He was not perturbed by this and continued to argue till the end of the day, won the case in favor of his client and then broke the news of his wife's death. That is the sign of a healthy mind. Such people never lose their self-confidence even in the midst of a crisis.
Is anyone free from problems in this world? We have come to this world to conquer difficulties. Today our youth are becoming so sensitive that for petty things they feel depressed and commit suicide. Success and failure are inevitable in life. Such a rare human birth is not meant for committing suicide. We have no right to destroy this body. It is a precious gift of God given to us to make the best use of it to achieve great things. Failures in examinations, a little scolding from parents, a petty quarrel with friends, a temporary financial problem, failure in love affairs, inferiority complex, unemployment, dowry harassment; these are common causes for committing suicide. It is a great sin to commit suicide. It is not less terrible than committing murder. We are not the owner of this body, we are only the keeper. Therefore, we have no right to destroy it. For every problem there is solution: we need only patience and confidence. Let us develop mental strength and courage to face the problems of life and they disappear in no time.
"What makes you weep, my friend? In you is all power. Summon up your all-powerful nature. O mighty one, and this whole universe will lie at your feet. It is the Self alone that predominates and no matter".
--Swami Vivekananda

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